Toronto, ON – October 26, 2012 “Big Girls don’t cry” should be the name of this extraordinary new fashion line Allistyle, designed by Pam Shainhouse of Toronto. She and her daughter used to go shopping for beautiful, fashion forward and flattering pieces for her daughter Alli Shapiro, who was a vibrant, young woman in her twenties going through chemotherapy treatments. “She would cry after trying on clothes that were supposed to be for larger figures because they were so frumpy and made from cheap fabric like polyester blends” says Pam, Alli’s Mom. This fashion-conscious young woman knew that she wasn’t going to find fashionable clothing for her new figure in traditional stores in Canada and wanted to start a line once she beat cancer. When Alli passed away at the age of 26, her Mom’s vow was to carry on her vision of giving curvy women a better choice in clothing. And she did just that. Read Full Press Release
Friday, 26 October 2012
Toronto, ON – October 26, 2012 “Big Girls don’t cry” should be the name of this extraordinary new fashion line Allistyle, designed by Pam Shainhouse of Toronto. She and her daughter used to go shopping for beautiful, fashion forward and flattering pieces for her daughter Alli Shapiro, who was a vibrant, young woman in her twenties going through chemotherapy treatments. “She would cry after trying on clothes that were supposed to be for larger figures because they were so frumpy and made from cheap fabric like polyester blends” says Pam, Alli’s Mom. This fashion-conscious young woman knew that she wasn’t going to find fashionable clothing for her new figure in traditional stores in Canada and wanted to start a line once she beat cancer. When Alli passed away at the age of 26, her Mom’s vow was to carry on her vision of giving curvy women a better choice in clothing. And she did just that. Read Full Press Release
Monday, 20 August 2012
Crazy for Cricket Gala
Thursday, 9 August 2012
Toronto, ON – August 9, 2012 Allistyle’s next generation of designsfor the extraordinary woman who wants to look fabulous and do good is a fashionline now featuring designs by several budding, young Canadian designers fromRyerson University in Tornto. Allistyle, creative head and founder. PamShainhouse developed the line in 2011 as a tribute to her daughter Alli Shapirowho passed away at the age of 26 in 2006.
WhitneyThompson, America’s Next Top ModelCycle 10 winner, is now the Executive Vice President and creative advisor forthe Allistyle. She has a strong opinionabout ‘plus size’ fashion. The firstfull-figured woman to win this U.S. national competition seen around the world,she believes women should be comfortable with who they are and make the most ofthe body that they were blessed with.
She is a blogger who writes about being the best youcan be with the curves you have and is an advocate and Board member of theNational Eating Disorders of America in New York City. "Allistyle clothing makes me feelbeautiful and comfortable. As a plus size model, I welcome clothing that allowsme to breathe, move freely and gravel with style. I am so excited to be working closely withPam in the design of the new collection" says Whitney Thompson.
Whitney Thompson is not only the fresh face of Allistyle,but has a strong commitment in making this company a success. She and Pam met at New York’s’ plus sizedfashion week in 2010 and became instant friends.
“This collection is designed with the activewoman in mind who wants simple yet classic designs that travel well, can gofrom the office to an evening out. The coloursare bold and flattering, and each piece has a unique multi-seasonalfunctionality because of the wonderful eco friendly fabric.” Says Pam Shainhouse,Founder of Allistyle.
Allistyle was founded byAlli’s mom Pam, because they always wanted to create a fashion linetogther. Alli was a fashion forwardwoman who went up and down on the scale during her chemotherapytreatments. She had challenges goingshopping for beautiful, fashion forward and flattering pieces for her daughterAlli Shapiro, who was a vibrant, young woman in her twenties. This fashion-conscious young woman knew thatshe wasn’t going to find fashionable clothing for her new figure in traditionalstores in Canada. When Alli passed awayat the age of 26, her Mom’s vow was to carry on her vision of giving women abetter choice in clothing for sizes 14 and up. And she did just that. Allistyleis now available in boutique shops in Toronto and online at
After forming Alli’s Journey(, a nationalcharity dedicated to raising money to provide special sanctuaries orcomfortable “chill out” rooms for young adults with cancer in hospitals such asWellspring at Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto. Allistyle became the perfect challenge for Pam to design for women byhonouring those women who’s bodies have not only changed from cancertreatments, but also for women who love their curves and want to feel gorgeous,sophisticated and as beautiful as anyone else. Pam set to work and our Ryerson University students helped to design aline of sustainable, classic pieces made in Canada, fashion forward pieces forREAL women.
Select pieces from thespring collection are now exclusively available at Gussied Up, 1090 Bathurst St. in Toronto. Allistyle is available on line and will beavailable in the new Atlanta store at Perimeter Mall in Atlanta, GA in November2012.
Media Contact:
Deborah Knight, dkpr publicrelations inc. (416) 200-3577
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Von Maur new Atlanta location to take Allistyle's new collection.
The strength of the Von Maur brand lies in our enjoyable and unique shopping experience. The backbone of this experience is our wide selection of brand-name merchandise, open and attractive store design, amenities that enhance the customer experience and our commitment to excellent customer service.
Friday, 22 June 2012
Cultural Festival musical line up announced for July 6 to August 10 in North York

The 2012 Cultura Festival
Mel Lastman Square becomes a World in the Square for Six Friday Nights
Toronto, ON June 22, 2012: Presented by John Filion, in partnership withNorth York Arts, an initiative of Toronto Arts Foundation, this year’s CulturaFestival will feature music ranging from Quebecoise Folk, Soca, Calypso, SouthAsian, Banjo Jazz, Blues, Flamenco, Chinese and Persian traditional performances."This event shows that culture is alive andwell north of the 401. Cultural travelers from across the city will want to geton the subway and head north because there is really nothing quite like theCultura Festival anywhere else in Toronto." said John Filion, Founder ofthe Cultura Festival.
On July 6, David Rudderopens the 2012 Cultura Festival with the sounds of Calypso. Rudder’s unprecedented rise to fame in 1986has made him the subject of music critics around the world. From New York to London to Tokyo, where the Japanesehave released a CD of Rudder’s greatest hits complete with lyrics translatedinto Japanese, Rudder has been described as modern calypso’s most innovativesongwriter.
On July 13, Autorickshaw’smusic will ignite the square. Autorickshaw’s music lies on the cultural cutting edge, as contemporaryjazz and funk easily rub shoulders with the classical and popular music of India. Formedin 2003, Autorickshaw has become one of the most intriguing acts on the worldmusic and jazz landscapes, garnering 2004 and 2007 Juna Award nominations forWorld Music Album of the Year, winning a Canadian Independent Music Award in2005 and a John Lennon Songwriting Competition Grand Prize in World Music in2008.
On July 20, Le Vent DuNord, one of Quebec’s favourite folk bandswill show audiences why they are now one of the most-loved Quebec folk bands in the world. They have received several prestigiousawards, including a Juno Award. Thegroup’s current line-up consists of singers / multi-instrumentalists NicolasBoulerice, Simon Beaudry, Olivier Demers, and Réjean Brunet. Some of theirsongs come from traditional folk repertoire, while others are originalcompositions. Le Vend du Nord know how to deliver music that will move anycrowd – to their feet and in their hearts!
On July 27, Jayme Stoneperforms on the mainstage. With musicinspired by folk traditions from around the world, his latest album, Room of Wonders, explores music from Norway, Sweden,Bulgaria, Brazil, Italyand North America. The repertoire includes amovement from Bachʼs French Suite, a Moorish sword-fighting dance and Stoneʼslush, edgy originals. He is joined byKevin Turcotte (trumpet), Joe Phillips (bass) and Nick Fraser (drums). His Juno Award-winning albums, most notablyAfrica to Appalachia, both defy and honor thebanjoʼs long role in the worldʼs music, turning historical connections intocompelling music.
August 3 , Silk Road(Qiu Xia He, Pipa & Andre Thibault, Flamenco Guitar) performs. Silk Road Music consists of two groups headedup by Qiu Xia Heand Andre Thibault.Founded in Vancouver in 1991, the ensemblepioneered the kind of Chinese-Western musical fusions that one now hears inacts ranging from The Sparrow Quartet to Yo Yo Ma’s Silk Road project. It has blended Chinese folk and classical music withCeltic, Latin, Arabic, Aboriginal, jazz, and blues music. It developed two exciting educationalprograms to bring world music to school children, and in 2001, it created agroundbreaking recording and performance project that paired Chinese andEuropean-Canadian vocalists for bilingual duets of Chinese folk songs. This dynamic group has earned a Junonomination, two West Coast Music Awards, two Canadian Folk Music Awardnominations, and countless enthusiastic reviews.
On the final Friday on August 10, Sarv Ensemble,returns to the festival for an encore performance. Drawing inspiration from diverse classicaland folk traditions across Iran,they share this music through concerts, workshops, and outreach and communityevents. Sarv Ensemble presents music both in traditional contexts as well as incollaboration with artists from different traditions and disciplines.
“Toronto Arts Foundationbelieves that the arts should be accessed and enjoyed in every part of thecity. We are thrilled to be partneringwith Cultura, through North York Arts, as it is already an enormouslysuccessful festival, and one that is sure to grow each year.” said ClaireHopkinson, Executive Director, Toronto Arts Foundation.Schedule
Cultura Festival 2012 willrun on the following Friday nights in July and August with Drew Gonsalveskicking off the first night at 7:00 pm on the side stage followed by DavidRudder performing on the mainstage from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm. All performances thereafter are scheduledfrom 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm.
July 6 David Rudder / DrewGonsalves
July 13 Autorickshaw / Matra Project
July 20 Le Vent Du Nord /Joanna Moon
July 27 Jayme Stone / SuzieVinnick
August 3 Silk Road (Qui Xia He) / Yongli Xue
August 10 Sarv Ensemble /Sina Salimi
The Cultura Festivalgratefully acknowledges the generous support of its sponsors and partners:Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, Zip Car, Toronto Centre for theArts, Canterbury Place, Now Magazine, Toronto Public Library, Gibson House,Global Café, Hotel Novotel, Entripy, Small World Music, Reel Canada, DispatchTalent, Random Acts of Dance, Finding Rhythm Drumming and Percussion, LittleMonsters and Cheshire Unicorn Productions.
About Cultura
The Cultura Festival is anannual six week celebration of culture in North York. Culturacelebrates the diversity of Torontoand the GTA by showcasing unique artistic talents, musicians, dancers, buskers,family-friendly drum circles and international food vendors. Each festivalevening closes with a featured film, displayed on a large screen. The festivalalso serves to benefit the local community, with funds from the proceeds ofbusker performances and a portion of vending sales being raised to supportlocally-based charities.
Cultura began in 2010 asthe brainchild of John Filion, who sought to showcase the usability of public spaces(specifically Mel Lastman Square)outside of the downtown core, while simultaneously promoting the arts in anopen air and publicly accessible venue. Since this time, attendance has grownfrom 12,000 to close to 20,000 visitors in 2011.
Now entering its thirdyear, the Cultura Festival continues to serve as a highly anticipated event inthe city, providing a showcase of the arts in North York.
For more information aboutadditional programming including the film schedule, please visit
Media contact: dkpr public relations inc., Deborah Knight, 416.363.1255
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